The story behind Neurodiversity League

In 2022 we created a page on Facebook called the Spectrum And Me. We started this page with the intention of sharing our journey of learning and understanding neurodiversity. 

One of the main reasons for starting the Spectrum And Me was to share our own story, whilst raising awareness of non visible disabilities. Our eldest son Oliver was our main inspiration. Oliver is none verbal autistic and has complex needs. We didn't realise how quickly the page would take off and the amount of followers that share our story, and find comfort in the community we have built.

Because of this we as a family have taken part in many fundraising events for Autism awareness. But so far we haven't come across fashionable merchandise to support and spread the message of neurodiversity.  

Our goal was to create a line of clothing that not only supports, but educates others about neurodiversity and the vast spectrum. But is also sensory friendly. Our T-shirts have printed labels in the collar to help those with sensory processing needs.